Founded in 1958.
We are a company specializing in Japanese side dishes (sozai), paying particular attention to the seasonality of our ingredients.
Mama Foods' Services
Founded in 1958, our company develops, manufactures and sells both wholesale and retail products centering on Japanese side dishes, from chilled foods to packed and sterilized food.
More InfoOnce per month, our buying club delivers seasonal side dishes (sozai) that can be eaten right away, simply by warming them up. In addition, both individual items and sets are available.
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The Chinese character for "food" (食) symbolizes the fact that food is good for people. At our company, we use stock carefully taken from natural kelp and bonito wihtout adding any chemical seasonings, preservatives, coloring agents, etc. Our goal is to manufacture and sell delicious, people-friendly, safe and secure products for our customers. We also develop and manufacture macrobiotics and vegetarian food products.
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